
Media Development and Sustainability in Africa: Only a Challenge or an Opportunity, too?

24-25 October 2015, University of Neuchâtel, Enterprise Institute & Academy of Journalism and Media


The conference was organized in collaboration with the Foundation Hirondelle as part of the celebrations for its 20th anniversary. It aimed at drawing attention on the major constraints and enablers for media development and sustainability in different regions of Africa. In particular, debates analyzed the factors that could help to fill the financial and competence gaps, as well as to strengthen the impact of international aid on the sustainability of media firms.

Prominent journalists, researchers, media professionals and representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) intervened and mainly discussed on economic, educational and training issues related to media development. The recent expansion of Western media companies in Africa gave us the opportunity to reflect on the impact that an emerging continent like Africa can have on the business model not only of African media, but of Western media, too.


Special issue on news media development in Africa

See articles published in the Journal of Media Business Studies