Social Interaction
The Centre for Research on Social intercations was born of long-standing interdisciplinary and inter-faculty collaborations in the University whose aim is the study of interpersonal interaction processes. The Centre aims to produce and promote interdisciplinary research on social interactions and contribute to the training of young scientists. Projects undertaken by the 6 research groups in the Centre target key social issues :
- Trajectories of young people (education and integration);
- Work processes (coordination in groups, hierarchy management, and resolution of tasks by collaborative processes);
- Effectiveness of institutional functioning (performance, conflicts, and negotiations);
- Relationships between individuals and institutions.
These issues are analyzed in a variety of empirical fields (business, school, health care institutions, courts, and public institutions in general) whose complexity requires interdisciplinary investigations based on combined research methodologies.
The researchers gathered in the center share a common perspective of social interaction that highlights three scientific concerns:
- social interactions involve the trade and reproduction of knowledge, symbolic references, interpersonal relationships, and functioning of institutions and social traditions ;
- relationships between individuals and institutions evolve through empirically observable social practices;
- interaction competence as social capital.
These concerns meet current questions of fundamental and applied research on the relationship between inter-individual social practices and institutional frameworks and the construction and circulation of knowledge.
More information :
Institut de psychologie du travail et des organisations
Institut de psychologie et éducation
Centre de logopédie
Centre de linguistique appliquée
Institut de langue et littérature allemandes
Centre de recherche sur les modes amiables et juridictionnels de gestion des conflits
Centre romande de recherche en criminologie
Steering Comitee
Prof. Adrian Bangerter
Prof. Geneviève de Weck
Prof. Marion Fossard
Prof. Christine Guy-Ecabert
Prof. Antonio Iannaccone
Prof. Laure Kloetzer
Prof. André Kuhn
Prof. Simona Pekarek-Doehler
Prof. Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont
Prof. Franziscka Tschan
Prof. Tania Zittoun