Defended theses from 2014 to 2021
MOURLANETTE Pauline, 2021. Direct simulation of non-additive variables on unstructured grids: the case of permeability
WEATHERL Robin, 2021. Groundwater contamination, recharge, and flow dynamics in the anthropogenic environment
RAMGRABER Maximilian, 2021. Data assimilation and non-Gaussian parameter inference for hydrogeological models
DUTLER Nathan, 2020. Seismo-hydromechanical interaction during in-situ hydraulic fracturing experiments
THORNTON James, 2020. Fully-integrated hydrological modelling in steep, snow-dominated, geologically complex Alpine terrain
KAKURINA Maria, 2020. Mechanics of fault reactivation and its application to stress measurements
LAM Dan-Thuy, 2020. Conditioning groundwater flow parameters with iterative ensemble smoothers: analysis and approaches in the continuous and the discrete cases
VOGT Marie-Louise, 2019. Contributions to the hydrology and hydrogeology of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer of Northern Chad
MEEKS Jessica, 2019. Groundwater recharge dynamics by snowmelt
JAEGGLI Christophe, 2019. PoPEx- An adaptive conditional sampler for solving inverse problems in hydrogeology
BETTERLE Andrea, 2019. Predicting the spatial correlation of daily streamflows to understand the hydrological response of river networks
FASNACHT Laurent, 2019. Short-wave infrared hyperspectral imaging of minerals
MALARD Arnauld, 2018. Hydrogeological characterization of karst aquifers in Switzerland using a pragmatic approach
SOHRABI Reza, 2018. High performance computing for hydrothermal systems or geothermal reservoirs using MULTI-GPU technology : Application to the Lusi geyser system in Java, Indonesia
JANSEN Gunnar, 2018. Modeling heat and fluid flow in discrete fracture networks: application to fluid-driven seismicity and engineered geothermal systems
BRETZLER Anja Maria, 2018. Geogenic arsenic in groundwater of Burkina Faso
CARLIER Claire, 2018. Hydrogeological and topographical controls on catchment dynamics and their implications for low flows
GIANNI Guillaume, 2018. Numerical simulations and uncertainty analysis for assessing spatial and temporal dynamics in alluvial river-aquifer systems: an application in the context of the 3rd Rhône River Correction
VUILLEUMIER Cécile, 2018. Hydraulics and sedimentary processes in the karst aquifer of Milandre (Jura Mountains, Switzerland)
MAQUEDA Axaycatl, 2017. Process based modeling of the karstification processes in the region of Tulum, Mexico
SCHILLING Oliver S., 2017. Advances in characterizing surface water-groundwater interactions : combining unconventional data with complex, fully-integrated models
WANNER Philipp, 2016. Isotope fractionation due to diffusion and sorption of chlorinated hydrocarbons and its implications for identifying reactive processes in aquifer-aquitard systems
HENDRICK Martin, 2016. Scaling behaviours of karst networks around Tulum (Mexico): characterization, model and application
RONGIER Guillaume, 2016. Connectivity of channelized sedimentary bodies : analysis and simulation strategies in subsurface modeling
GHASEMIZADE Mehdi, 2016. Model complexity and diagnostic-tool based analyses of integrated and physically based models
BASSO Stefano, 2016. The role of flow regimes for sediment transport and flooding potential of river catchments
BADIN Alice, 2015. Application of carbon-chlorine isotopic analysis to determine the origin and fate of chlorinated ethenes in groundwater
BLANDENIER Lucien, 2015. Recharge quantification and continental freshwater lens dynamics in arid regions: application to the Merti aquifer (eastern Kenya)
DOULATYARI Behnam, 2015. Analytical modeling of reach-scale and network-scale dynamics of flow regimes
DEMAN Grégory, 2015. Uncertainty propagation and global sensitivity analysis in multi-layered hydrogeological models of flow and lifetime expectancy
CHITTOOR VISWANATHAN Vidhya, 2015. Effect of river restoration and hydrological changes on surface water quality – River reach-scale to catchment-scale study
ORIANI Fabio, 2015. Stochastic simulation of rainfall and climate variables using the direct sampling technique
ALTWEGG Pierrick, 2014. Gravimetry for geothermal exploration : methodology, computer programs and two case studies in the Swiss Molasse Basin
VON FREYBERG Jana, 2014. Groundwater dynamics and streamflow generation in a mountainous headwater catchment
KURTH Anne-Marie, 2014. Investigation of groundwater-surface water interactions with distributed temperature sensing (DTS)
PIROT Guillaume, 2014. Stochastic heterogeneity modeling of braided river aquifer
BABIC Domagoj, 2014. Gas supersaturation, 222Rn and CO2 as tracers in karst water
THÜLER Lorienne, 2014. Estimation et cartographie de la vulnérabilité des aquifères en milieu forestier
MÖCK Christian, 2014. Evaluating the effect of climate change on groundwater resources: from local to catchment scale