
How to sell science to good journals

13 November and 8 December 2008 (half-day)


Laurent Keller, Université de Lausanne


Learn how to submit your scientific results to the best possible journals

summary and pre-course assignment

The course is about how to publish scientific work in the best possible journals. This will include discussion about how to choose a journal, how to write your papers, how to write a cover letter and respond to referees, with a focus on the major journals (Nature, Science, ...)

Pre-course assignment: participants are requested to prepare all information, documentation, and results they would like to publish (even if it is not complete and not ready to be published yet)

Personal work: participants are required to write an abstract and a cover letter, as well as reading other participant's abstracts and giving them feed-back

general information

Dates:  Thursday November 13 and Monday December 8,  2008

Schedule: first day (Nov.13): 8.55 - 12.00 (lecture) and 13.00 - 17.00 (personal work); second day (Dec. 8): 13.00 - 17.00

Location: Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, UniMail, building C (Animalerie), room 001

Credit points: 1.0 credit point (Communication)

Evaluation: Active participation including personal work as described

Information: Please contact the  NCCR education officer Dr. Christiane Bobillier (administration) or Prof. Laurent Keller

Travel expenses: NCCR Doctoral programme "Plants and their Environment" participants are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class). Please send the original tickets (no copies, except for the general abonnement) with this form (17 ko, pdf document) to Dr. Christiane Bobillier.  No reimbursement for bus, taxi or car travel expenses will be paid.


This course is opened to all Ph.D. students. However, priority is given to doctoral programme "Plants and their Environment" participants. Post-docs are welcome depending on availability.

Number of participants: maximum: 15 (minimum 10). Course full.

Registration through the web only: closed

Deadline: 25 October 2008