Write a review - write now
24 November 2008 (afternoon)
- Types of reviews: history review, status quo review, theory review, issue review, examples from your discipline
- Structural elements of reviews: research questions, structural units in the text body, storyline
- Literature management: organisation of information and sources, software tools
- Writing process: quick and efficient writing, time management
- Increasing text quality: feedback, systematic revision
- Publishing strategies: journals, time-frames, co-operations
general information
Dates: Monday 24 November 2008
Schedule: 13.00- 17.00 (afternoon)
Location: Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, UniMail, building C (Animalerie), room 001
Credit points: 0.5 credit point (Communication)
Evaluation: Active participation
Information: Please contact the NCCR education officer Dr. Christiane Bobillier or Dr. Philipp Mayer
Travel expenses: NCCR Ph.D. participants are eligible for reimbursement of incurred travel expenses by train (half-fare card, and 2nd class). Please send the original tickets (no copies, except for the general abonnement) at the end of the term with this form (17 ko, pdf document) to Dr. Christiane Bobillier. No reimbursement for bus, taxi or car travel expenses will be paid.
This course is opened to all Ph.D. students. However, priority is given to doctoral programme "Plants and their Environment" participants. Postdocs are welcome depending on availability.
Minimum number of participants: 12, maximum: 16. Course full.
This course is free. A waiting list will be prepared to ensure that there are no empty seats.
Registration through the web only: closed
Deadline: 6 November 2008