The CDM's professors offer courses on migration law and migration issues in general. These courses have been designed to be coherent and complementary between the four faculties of the three universities that make up the Centre. A joint interdisciplinary seminar is also organised each year.
CAS in Migration Law
The CAS is aimed primarily at people working in the field of migration, whether or not they have legal training.
The aim of the course is to provide participants with sound practical and scientific knowledge of migration law. As well as acquiring legal skills, it gives participants the tools they need to analyse current migration policy critically, taking into account the instruments of the social sciences.
The subject is covered in seven complementary modules (the content of which is continually adapted to current developments) by means of lectures, exercises and case studies. Using numerous examples and concrete cases, the teaching is largely practice-oriented. If necessary, a module on the general principles of migration law will be organised for those without a legal background.
The lecturers are national and international experts from the three partner universities, as well as from the judiciary, the administration, the bar and various national and international organisations. Group work gives participants the opportunity to express themselves and develop their ideas.
The CDM’s professors offer courses connected to migration law and migratory phenomena more broadly. These courses were designed to be cohesive and complementary within the four faculties of the Centre’s three Universities. A common interdisciplinary seminar is also held every year.
Active participation is expected and participants are invited to share their experience. They are also expected to give at least one presentation on a topical issue and write a paper at the end of the course. In addition to the teaching modules, participants can also count on the support and guidance of lecturers from the three partner universities. Website
CAS Asylum Procedure
The Universities of Berne, Neuchâtel and Fribourg, in collaboration with the Migration Law Centre (CDM) and the European Law Institute of the University of Fribourg, are pleased to present their new joint study programme Certificate of Advanced Studies in Asylum Procedure (CAS Asylum Procedure). Offered in French and German, the course provides a comprehensive education in asylum law and procedure. The aim of the course is to acquire in-depth knowledge of national and international (including European) asylum law. The course also enables students to develop solid skills in legal drafting, the role and communication of legal representation and the authorities responsible for applying asylum law. The subject matter is covered by recognised national and international experts, not only from the three partner universities, but also from the judiciary, the administration, the bar and various national and international organisations.
Grants for visiting researchers
The Migration Law Centre offers scholarships to researchers from foreign universities wishing to carry out research in one of the Centre's areas of expertise. Please find further information and the application form here.