
Mission statement

Speaking several foreign languages has now become essential with the increase of academic mobility over the last ten years. Even at the University of Neuchâtel, classes in some Master’s curricula are now taught in English. Moreover, a large number of students have the opportunity to spend a year or a semester abroad. The most common destinations are Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom, followed by France and Italy. Finally, researchers and professors have to publish and present their findings in English or German at international and national conferences or within national research projects.

As stated in the Plan of Intent 2013-2016 of the University of Neuchâtel (p. III), one of the missions of the university is to allow students to be better prepared for a professional career after their studies, to make them more “employable”. In Switzerland, speaking German – as well as understanding Swiss German – and English is crucial in many professional fields and the linguistic knowledge acquired in college is usually not good enough.

Nowadays, learning new languages is part of lifelong learning, starting in school and then expanding in the course of one’s studies or professional life. The courses and activities offered by an academic language centre should include this framework and provide useful services to the academic community.

Created in August 2013, the Language Centre of the University of Neuchâtel will develop in three main directions:

  • Teaching of foreign languages with semester courses and intensive courses during the spring and autumn breaks;
  • Help and support learner’s autonomy with the creation of a multimedia self-access learning centre (Espace Multimédia d’Auto-apprentissage = E.M.A.) and by providing different kinds of activities like tutorials, workshops and tandem programmes.
  • Translation of academic articles and presentations in English, French and German, as well as linguistic coaching for applications and international conferences in English, French and German.


  • Cercles.PNG


    Confédération Européenne des Centre de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur

Picture gallery

Summer Tandem