
TOEFL exam preparation

General information

  • Enseignante :  Sara Cotelli
  • Niveau :           B2-C1
  • Dates:              voir ci-dessous
  • Prix :              Students/doctoral students UniNE, PATB : CHF 100.-                         
                           Academic Staff UniNE : CHF 200.-
                           Alumni UniNE, SAN : CHF 200.-                         
                           Students other institutions (EPFL, HE-Arc, etc.) : CHF 200.-
                           Staff other institutions : CHF 250.-

: Preparation course for IELTS and TOEFL will be taught individually and through a Blended learning programme including:           

  • one orientation hour at the beginning of the programme
  • 15-20 hours of autonomous work (videos and exercises with key)
  • 2 hours with a teacher to give you a feedback on your writing skills, to answer your questions and to work on the speaking part of the exam.

No set dates ; you choose the time you need to go through the programme. Our recommendation: take at least one month to work through all the material and finish a few weeks before taking the test so that you still have time to drill if needed.


  1. Registration : anytime by clicking on the blue button "enrolment" on the right hand-side 
  2. We will get in touch with you to plan the orientation session where you’ll learn about the content of the course, the material at your disposal and how to access it. You will also work on a work schedule and plan the next meetings.
  3. Autonomous work on the listening and reading parts of the exam. You will also learn about the speaking part.
  4. The first meeting allows you to ask all the questions that you have on the listening and reading parts and to drill the speaking with a teacher.
  5. Autonomous work: learn about the writing part and do exercises (with key) to improve your skills in writing (grammar, vocabulary). You write the two tasks required for the test and send them to the teacher.
  6. The second and last meeting allows you to ask all remaining questions on the speaking and writing sections and the teacher can give you a feedback on your writing and speaking. You can drill the speaking a bit more if needed.



English Tutorial

English tutorials are held 4 hours/week during the semester