

  1. Descombes P, Pitteloud C, Glauser G, Defossez E, Kergunteuil A, Allard PM, RasmannS, Pellissier L. Novel trophic interactions under climate change promote alpine plant coexistence. Science (2020), 370, 1469-1473.
  2. Antunes DF, Reyes-Contreras M, Glauser G, Taborsky B. Early social experience has life-long effects on baseline but not stress-induced cortisol levels in a cooperatively breeding fish. Hormones and Behavior (2020) 128, 104910.
  3. Ogutcen E, Durand K, Wolowski M, Clavijo L, Graham C, Glauser G, Perret M. Chemical Basis of Floral Color Signals in Gesneriaceae: The Effect of Alternative Anthocyanin Pathways. Frontiers in Plant Science (2020), 11, 604389.
  4. Steinbrenner AD, Muñoz-Amatriaín M, Chaparro AF, Montserrat Aguilar-Venegas J, Lo S, Okuda S, Glauser G, Dongiovanni J, Shi D, Hall M, Crubaugh D, Holton N, Zipfel C, Abagyan R, Turlings TCJ, Close TJ, Huffaker A, Schmelz EA. A receptor-like protein mediates plant immune responses to herbivore-associated molecular patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (2020), 117, 31510-31518.
  5. Yang TH, Lenglet-Hilfiker A, Stolz S, Glauser G, Farmer EE. Jasmonate precursor biosynthetic enzymes LOX3 and LOX4 control wound-response growth restriction. Plant Physiology (2020), 184, 1172-1180.
  6. Mendonça R, Vuilloud P, Katlein N, Vallat A, Glauser G, Bennett NC, Helfenstein F. Oxidative costs of cooperation in cooperatively breeding Damaraland mole-rats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2020), 287, 20201023.
  7. Schlaeppi D, Kettler N, Straub L, Glauser G, Neumann P. Long-term effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on ants. Communications Biology (2020), 3, 335.
  8. Sattari Vayghan H, Tavalaei S, Grillon A, Meyer L, Ballabani G, Glauser G, Longoni P. Growth temperature influence on lipids and photosynthesis in Lepidium sativum. Frontiers in Plant Science (2020), 11, 745.
  9. Bruno P, Machado RAR, Glauser G, Köhler A, Campos-Herrera R, Bernal J, Toepfer S, Erb M, Robert CAM, Arce CCM, Turlings TCJ. Entomopathogenic nematodes from Mexico that can overcome the resistance mechanisms of the western corn rootworm. Scientific Reports (2020), 10, 8257.
  10. Hintze S, Glauser G, Hunkeler D. Influence of surface water – groundwater interactions on the spatial distribution of pesticide metabolites in groundwater. Science of the Total Environment (2020), 733, 139109.
  11. Duthé V, Defossez E, van der Westhuizen R, Glauser G, Rasmann S. Out of scale out of place: Black rhino forage preference across the hierarchical organization of the savanna ecosystem. Conservation Science and Practice (2020), e191.
  12. Trunz V, Lucchetti M, Bénon D, Dorchin A, Desurmont GA, Kast C, Rasmann S, Glauser G, Praz C. To bee or not to bee: The “raison d’être” of toxic secondary compounds in the pollen of Boraginaceae. Functional Ecology (2020), 34, 1345-1357.
  13. Fernandez-Calvo P, Inigo S, Glauser G, Tang M, Li B, De Clercq R, Eeckhout D, De Jaeger G, Brady SM, Kliebenstein DJ, Pauwels L, Goossens A, Ritter A. FRS7 and FRS12 recruit NINJA to regulate expression of glucosinolate biosynthesis genes. The New Phytologist (2020), 227, 1124-1137.
  14. Demairé C, Triki Z, Binning SA, Glauser G, Roche DG, Bshary R. Reduced access to cleaner fish negatively impacts the physiological state of two resident reef fishes. Marine Biology (2020), 167, 1-10.
  15. Dubey O, Dubey S, Schnee S, Glauser G, Nawrath C, Gindro K, Farmer EE. Plant surface metabolites as potent antifungal agents. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (2020), 150, 39-48.
  16. Vandegeer RK, Tissue DT, Hartley SE, Glauser G, Johnson SN. Physiological acclimation of a grass species occurs during sustained but not repeated drought events. Environmental and Experimental Botany (2020), 171, 103954.
  17. Meniri M, Hebinger D, Sorlin M, Ramirez M, Kaufmann E, Glauser G, Vallat A, Fasel N, Helfenstein F. Morphological and physiological consequences of a dietary restriction during early life in bats. Behavioral Ecology (2020), 31, 475-486.
  18. Descombes P, Kergunteuil A, Glauser G, Rasmann S, Pellissier L. Plant physical and chemical traits associated to herbivory in situ and under a climate warming treatment. Journal of Ecology (2020), 108, 733-749.
  19. Kamba Mebourou E, Bourquin M, Oloo F, Vallat A, Guerin PM. Deltamethrin persistence on textiles used to make visual targets for tsetse fly control is positively correlated with their polyester content. Journal of Medical Entomology, April (2020).
  20. Escobar-Bravo R, Nederpel C, Naranjo S, Kim HK, Rodriguez-Lopez MJ, Chen G, Glauser G, Leiss KA, Klinkhamer PGL. Ultraviolet radiation modulates both constitutive and inducible plant defenses against thrips but is dose- and plant genotype-dependent. Journal of Pest Science (in press).
  21. Descombes P, Kergunteuil A, Glauser G, Rasmann S, Pellissier L. Plant physical and chemical traits associated to herbivory in situ and under a climate warming treatment. Journal of Ecology, 108, 733-749, (2020).