

The ethical dimensions of scientific work go far beyond the simple respecting of rules and often involve thorny questions and complex choices.

While these dimensions are particularly important in biomedical sciences, they remain pertinent in all scientific fields in various configurations.

In addition to legal and / or civic responsibilities, the construction of all knowledge greatly depends on a certain number of criteria such as intellectual (and institutional) honesty, trust, etc.

Here are some domains in which important skills are displayed :

  • Confidentiality and data access, intellectual property management, crediting sources and colleagues ;
  • Ethical principles during research on / with human subjects ;
  • Ethical principles during research involving animals ;
  • Identification of abuse and implementation of procedure ;
  • Management of conflicts of interest (interpersonal, intellectual, financial, hierarchical, etc.).

Just beneath the surface of these different domains lie such generic skills as professional integrity, the ability to make ethical choices, understand complex systems in their different ramifications (human, financial, legal, etc.) and identify the institutional or interpersonal resources that exist to resolve matters such as conflicts.