
Mobility grants and useful links

SNSF grants for prospective and advanced researchers
These grants for a stay abroad are awarded in all disciplines encouraged by the SNSF, with the exception of experimental and clinical medicine. They include a personal maintenance subsidy, a fixed sum for travel costs and possibly a contribution to research and congress costs. The amount depends on personal situation, family commitments and cost of living in the country of destination. They also include an amount for the accompanying partner under certain conditions (number of years spent living together).

SNSF Ambizione subsidies
The programme is designed for all young researchers who would like to conduct, manage and lead an independently planned project at a Swiss university. Ambizione concerns qualified researchers from Switzerland who have spent or are spending a stay abroad, e.g. within a fellowship for advanced researchers. Ambizione would also like to encourage young foreign talents to carry out research work in Switzerland.

SNSF professorships 
The SNSF professorships of the Swiss National Science Foundation enable junior researchers with several years of recognised research experience to take a significant step forward in their scientific careers. This professorship funds the establishment of an independent team to implement a research project. It also offers researchers the possibility of continuing their career at a Swiss university upon their return from a stay abroad.

SNSF Mobility grants in projects
Mobility grants are aimed at researchers who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project.

SNSF Money Follows Co-operation Line
The Money follows Cooperation Line process is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who carry out projects in which a small subproject is conducted abroad. The sub-projects abroad are co-financed by the SNSF.

SNSF Money follows Researcher
The Money follows Researcher process is aimed at researchers who move abroad and would like current SNSF funding to continue. In principle, a continuation of the project is possible in any country.

SNSF International Short Visits
The scheme International Short Visits is aimed at researchers in Switzerland who wish to go abroad for a short period or researchers abroad who wish to collaborate with researchers in Switzerland. During the visit, they pursue a small joint research project.

Swiss guide to European research. Regional offices (at each Swiss university) reply to questions concerning the funding of European projects.

EURAXESS Switzerland 
The EURAXESS Switzerland portal informs young foreign researchers about job opportunities at Swiss universities and the modalities of entry into and residence in Switzerland, etc.

European portal for research mobility 
In addition to information regarding training and jobs, the EURAXESS e-gateway is the point of entry to large amounts of information concerning the European countries involved. Information available includes grants/subsidies, research vacancies and practical details.

«Marie Curie» programme of activities  
This programme supports the training, career development and mobility of researchers via a wide range of grants and networking activities.

ERC  Starting Grants  
By means of ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC Starting Grants), the European Research Council encourages high-level senior researchers who wish to set up or consolidate their own research team in order to conduct independent research in Europe.

As of January 2017, Switzerland is once again participating in the European Horizon 2020 programme.