

  • The practical guide Droit du bail à loyer (Rental Lease Law) (2010) has been updated for 2016 in a new edition called Droit du bail à loyer et à ferme (Rental and Farming Lease Law), edited by François Bohnet, Blaise Carron and Marino Montini, and published by Helbing & Lichtenhahn (available here). This new edition contains existing texts updated to reflect recent developments in jurisprudence and legal doctrine, as well as commentaries on relevant articles in the Civil Procedure Code and rental provisions for non-agricultural farms (art. 275 ss CO).
  • As of 2009, the University of Neuchâtel has offered a specific course on lease law, funded by the Lease Law Seminar. This course is given by Philippe Conod, a doctor of Law and Lausanne-based lawyer, an expert in the field. It is aimed at Master’s students (especially in Social Law and Legal Professions Law), and takes place in the autumn semester.
  • As of 2014, the Lease Law Seminar has funded a course on shared property, given by Amédéo Wermelinger, doctor of law and lawyer, professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Neuchâtel.